Monday, October 3, 2016

Meet the Yule Lads: Giljagaur

Meet Giljagaur, in Icelandic his name is pronouned like "Gil' ya gur".
In English, he's better known as Gully Gawk.

He loves cow's milk and will sneak into the barn and drain the milk pails dry. He also likes to hide in gullies and sneak up on the cows!

As one of the Yule Lads, he's the second to arrive for the holidays on December 13th - but what is he doing now? He and his troll brothers are getting themselves into a mess! "Yule" never believe what happens!

Follow the story starting October 17th on Facebook and Twitter @YuleLadsLegend. A 20-part story written by Heidi Herman and illustrated by Colleen Stiles.

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